Soup of the Day... Black Bean Soup

“Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart and cannot make a good soup” (Ludwig van Beethoven).

Today's recipe... Remember... Disclaimer: Some folks don't always follow updated USDA canning methods, they may live in another country where the standards are not the same, they may use heirloom methods passed down through the generations, they may choose other canning methods not recommended. Use this recipe at your own discretion, or adapt it to your own method. I am sharing these recipes EXACTLY as they were sent to me and take NO responsibility for them.

Black Bean Soup 
Found on subsistresist.wordpress

Soak 4 c. black beans overnight in plenty of water. In the morning or as soon as you can get to it, drain beans, rinse well, and pour boiling water or unsalted broth over. Allow to soak another 30 minutes, while you get everything else ready. 

Chop 2 onions, 
2 small stalks celery, 
2 or 3 carrots, and 
10-12 Roma tomatoes (you can use canned chopped tomatoes too if, like me, you can’t get a decent fresh tomato) 

Distribute veggies evenly between all 16 jars. Dry fry (cook in a skillet with no oil over medium heat) until fragrant, but be careful not to burn: 

3 T chili powder 
1 T cumin 
2 t. cinnamon 
1 t. ground ginger
1 t. black pepper 
1 T. paprika (Or, if you want to make it easier on yourself, and you like spicy food, just go with 4-5 T. of chili powder, and skip the rest of those spices) 

When the spices are smelling good, add 

1 T. oregano 
1 T. garlic powder 
2 lbs of burger 

Brown meat over high heat, it doesn’t need to cook through, just brown nicely for flavor. Distribute meat among jars. It’s probably been half an hour by now, so drain your beans again, but this time reserve the soaking liquid. Measure it into a pot, then add enough water to equal 11 cups total (if you used canned tomatoes, add in their juice here, as part of your liquid). Stir in a 

6 oz can of tomato paste. 

Bring to a boil. Meanwhile, back to your jars. Distribute beans between them, then add to each jar ½ t. salt and a big pinch of frozen corn Jars should be full to within 1 inch of top. Don’t be tempted to overfill, the beans are still going to expand a tad.

Get your canner and lids ready to go. When the broth boils, pour into each jar, to within ¾ inch of top (ie: should just cover the chunks). Process as per canner instructions, for 75 minutes at 10 lbs pressure. (90 minutes for quart jars)

Tomorrow's Soup of the Day... Black Eyed Pea and Cabbage Soup

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