Soup of the Day... Beef Barley Soup

“Soup is the song of the hearth... and the home.”

Today's recipe... Remember... Disclaimer: Some folks don't always follow updated USDA canning methods, they may live in another country where the standards are not the same, they may use heirloom methods passed down through the generations, they may choose other canning methods not recommended. Use this recipe at your own discretion, or adapt it to your own method. I am sharing these recipes EXACTLY as they were sent to me and take NO responsibility for them.
Canning Beef Barley Soup Recipe

3 pound boneless roast, roasted and diced

7 quarts water.

4 medium onions, chopped

15 large carrots, diced

2 cups pearl barley

8 stalks celery, chopped.

9 cloves of garlic, chopped

3 Tablespoons vegetable oil.

1 cube margarine (is one stick)

3 bay leaves

1 Tablespoon tarragon

2 Tablespoons oregano

2 Tablespoons salt

1 Tablespoon black pepper

75 minutes for quarts at 10 pounds pressure (60 minutes for pints). If you live at altitudes above 1,000 feet you need to adjust the pressure for your altitude.

Above made about 11 quarts of soup.

Note from Granny: Yes, we realize it's not recommended to can grains... we also realize some folks do with great results... use this recipe at your own discretion.

Tomorrow's Soup of the Day... Gumbo

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