Soup of the Day... Navy Bean and Ham Soup for Canning

Today's recipe... Remember... Disclaimer: Some folks don't always follow updated USDA canning methods, they may live in another country where the standards are not the same, they may use heirloom methods passed down through the generations, they may choose other canning methods not recommended. Use this recipe at your own discretion, or adapt it to your own method. I am sharing these recipes EXACTLY as they were sent to me and take NO responsibility for them.

Navy Bean & Ham Soup for Canning 

By Gail Flaatten Bicknell 

8 cups dried navy beans (aka small white beans) 

1 ½ gallons water 

2 T salt 

2lbs ham meat cut in bite size pieces 

1 large onion, chopped 

2 cans diced tomatoes 

1 cup molasses 

1/3 cup brown sugar 

1t pepper 

extra water, as needed 

salt to taste 

Begin by cooking the beans. Put the 8 cups of dried beans in a large stock pot (I used a 14 quart pot) and add water and 2 tablespoons of salt. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cover. Cook for 2 hours. When beans are done cooking add the ham, diced tomatoes, molasses, brown sugar, and pepper. At this point you may need to add more water to make sure you have plenty of soup broth. I added another 3 to 4 cups of water. Bring to a boil let it cook for a few minutes to blend flavors. Taste and add salt if it needs it. Fill hot quart jars with hot soup leaving 1 inch of head space. Put lids and rings on. Place in canner. Can soup (quarts) for 90 minutes at 10 lbs. of pressure and pint jars for 75 minutes at 10lbs of pressure (if you live at higher elevations be sure to check what pressure you need.)

Note from Granny: My "guesstimate" would be this would make around 8-10 quarts of soup

Tomorrow's Soup of the Day... Olive Garden Copy Cat Zuppa Toscana Soup

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