Soup of the Day... Split Pea Soup... 3 Variations

Today's recipe... Remember... Disclaimer: Some folks don't always follow updated USDA canning methods, they may live in another country where the standards are not the same, they may use heirloom methods passed down through the generations, they may choose other canning methods not recommended. Use this recipe at your own discretion, or adapt it to your own method. I am sharing these recipes EXACTLY as they were sent to me and take NO responsibility for them.

Split Pea Soup with Ham (#1)

Found on Canning Only Recipe

Yield 10 pints or 5 quarts 

1 (16 ounce package or 2-1/4 cups) package dried split peas 

2 quarts of water (I used 1 quart water and 1 quart ham broth) 

1-1/2 cups sliced carrots 

1 cup chopped onion 

1 cup diced, cooked ham 

1 bay leaf 

1 tsp canning salt 

1/4 tsp black pepper 

Combine dried peas and water/broth in large saucepot. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Cover, simmer about 1 hour or until peas are soft. If a smooth soup is desired, puree in a food processor or food mill (I used my emulsion blender, I like a bit of chunks, in the pot). Return puree to pot. Add remaining ingredients and simmer 30 minutes. If mixture is too thick, add boiling water. Ladle hot soup into hot jars, leaving 1 inch headspace. Wipe rims and assemble lids.

Process pints 1 hour and 15 minutes, quarts 1 hour and 30 minutes, at 10 pounds of pressure in pressure canner.

Split Pea Soup (#2)

1 (16 oz) pkg dried split peas 

2 quarts water, ham or chicken broth 

1-1/2 cups sliced large carrots (not baby carrots) 

1 cup chopped onion 

1 Tbsp. minced garlic 

1 cup diced, cooked ham 

2 bay leaves 

1/2 tsp. salt 

1/2 tsp. black or white pepper 

Ham or chicken broth can be made from reconstituted soup base. Use low sodium soup base or omit salt from recipe. Alternatively, a lean ham bone may be cooked in the soup and removed before canning. 

In a large soup pot, combine dried peas and water or broth and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer over lowest heat for until peas are soft (about 60 minutes). Stir occasionally. If you prefer a smooth soup, all or part of the soup may be pureed in a scrupulously clean blender or food processor (or this step may be saved for when the jar is opened and served). A hand blender may be used if you want to smooth only a portion of the soup. Return the pureed soup to the pot and add the remaining ingredients; simmer for another 20 minutes, adding boiling water if needed, if soup becomes too thick. Remove bay leaves. 

Ladle soup directly from pot into hot jars, leaving 1­inch headspace. The headspace is important for proper processing. Wipe the rim of the jar clean using a damp paper towel. Adjust two piece lids. Process pints in a pressure canner for 1 hour and 15 minutes or quarts for 1 hour and 30 minutes (begin counting time when pressure cooker gauge reads 10 lbs PSI or 10 lb setting of weight gauge begins to jiggle).

Split Pea Soup (#3)

from Jesse Raven 

Makes about 18 pints 

9 cups dry split peas 

about 24 cups water (more as needed) 

2-1/2 tsp ground bay leaf 

2-1/2 tsp dry mustard 

4 tsp salt 

1 Tbsp ground black pepper 

5 Tbs red wine vinegar (to taste) 

6 cups minced onion 

18-­20 medium cloves garlic, crushed if not blending (see directions) 

2-1/2 cup fresh basil chopped if not blending (again see directions) 

7 stalks celery, cut into about 1 in pieces 

6 med carrots, sliced 

3 medium potatoes cut in bite size chunks 

1) Place peas in water with bay leaf, dry mustard, salt, pepper, red wine vinegar, onion, garlic and basil. Cook until peas are soft. I used an immersion blender to puree but this is an optional step you may just use as is. 

2) I put the celery, carrots and potatoes in a bowl to be raw packed as I fill each jar. 

3) In each sterile jar put a handful cut veggies (adjust to your liking which means you may need more or less veggies). Ladle the seasoned peas into hot sterile jars, leaving 1/4 inch of head space. Remove air bubbles by sliding a metal spatula around inside of jar (this is a very important step in this recipe). Wipe jar rims clean, and seal with lids and rings. Process for 75 minutes in a pressure canner. Let cool, remove from canner and enjoy the ping!

Tomorrow's Soup of the Day... Sweet Potato Ham Soup

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