We Be Jammin'... Tomato and Passionfruit Jam

Tomato and Passionfruit Jam
Found on Food

Try it before you knock it!!! Best Jam I have ever had! Got the recipe from my husbands great aunt.


YIELDS 5 jars 

* 1kg tomatoes, peeled and chopped (10 med) 

* 400g green apples, peeled and chopped (2 large) 

* 1⁄3 cup lemon juice 

* 2 cups passion fruit pulp 

* 1kg sugar (4 cups)


* combine tomatoes and apples in a large boiler, cook over low heat, stirring often, for about 25 mins, or until fruit is pulpy.

* stir in juice, pulp, and sugar.

* stir over heat until sugar in dissolved.

* bring to boil, and boil, uncovered, until jam jells when set when tested.

* Pour jam into hot sterilized jars and process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

Makes about 5 cups

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