Smoked Salmon 'n Horseradish Cream

I love appetizers...they are all about tantalizing and teasing the senses...aroma, bursts of flavour and light enough to leave room for the main course...or NOT! When I tried this recipe I found in an old Canadian Living Christmas edition from 1999 I decided the smaller portions were just too fragile for the heavy cream sauce. So I improvised a little and ended up with this rather medium size appetizer...or as I served it...main course with salad. We often eat 'appies' for a main course in my home...loving the bursts of flavour and the richness that one can only consume in the smaller 'appie' size. Enough talk...this was yummy....this is what I did.
Ingredients: (Makes two medium size -one plate servings)

4 sheets Phyllo pastry
1/4 cup melted unsalted butter
1/4 dry bread crumbs
fresh ground pepper
2 tbsp sesame seeds


1 cup sour cream (thickish)
2 tbsp chopped fresh dill and chives
2 tbsp horseradish
1 shot hot pepper sauce
squeeze of lemon
pinch of salt (if you think you need it)
some smoked salmon slices (or bits)
dill or chives for decoration

TIPS: Phyllo sheets are very thin so always keep sheets, not being worked on, UNDER a moist cloth to keep from drying out. If you use salmon bits then make you sure you 'pull apart' before putting in between the layers.

Put one sheet phyllo on work surface.
Using pastry brush, spread with mixed water and butter.
Sprinkle with a few bread crumbs and pepper.
Place next sheet on top. Repeat until finished with all four layers. Cut phyllo into six squares. Place on parchment paper and butter top layer.
Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.
Bake in a 400 degree oven for 5 to 6 minutes until brown and crisp
keeping eye on it so it does not burn.
Remove from oven and cool.
Combine filling ingredients.
Taste and add items if needed. It should be slightly tart.

On a salad dish layout some chives for decoration. Place one square on centre of plate.
Spoon 2 tbsp or more of filling on firs layer. Top with slice of smoked salmon. Repeat two more times.
Garnish top and plate with fresh roe or sun dried tomato or capers.
Serve and enjoy the accolades.

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