Portland Community Garden Work Day
Just when I lose faith in humanity I am inspired & in awe of the community spirit and generosity demonstrated by the people of Portland. A week ago I read an article in the Oregonian about the vandalism of the Earl Boyle's Community Garden. This is a relatively new community garden in outer Southeast Portland near SE Holgate & 112th. It is in the park behind Ron Russel Middle School. The community garden is patronized by local low-income families, Russian immigrants, the elderly and an elementary school. Throughout the spring it was subject to numerous small acts of vandalism. L
I spent the morning working on Richard's small plot. Richard is an elderly man in a wheelchair. He loves to garden. With him are his children, grandchildren, and great grand daughter. Richard's small plot at the community garden contained corn, melons, pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, egglplants, cauliflower and beets. The vandals chopped down his corn, broke his tomato plants, removed his cauliflower plants entirely and picked his one pumpkin off it's vine. Richard planted that pumpkin for his Great Nephew to have as his halloween jack-o-lantern. As Richard tells me the story of what was in his garden he and I both tear up. Seriously, this elderly man in a wheelchair flying an American flag. It's killing me. I am devastated at the senselessness of the vandalism. Why? Why would anyone do this? In addition to Richard's family, our work party consisted of me & 3 other volunteers. 2 of whom were senior citizens who had the need to help like I did. We weeded Richard's garden plot and removed all the dead material. Then the guy with the rototiller came by and tilled the soil. We fertilized and got busy planting. A woman from La Grande drove all the way over that morning with 5 huge 3 gallon containers of tomatoes and eggplants. She dug them up from her own garden to bring and share. Richard was planting these luscious fruiting plants in his garden. A blessed miracle that will allow him to harvest summer crops after his were destroyed. Richard was very sad and not understanding why someone would take all his cauliflower plants. I was happy to tell him I brought traypacks of cauliflower seedlings! We planted more cauliflower today. He would have his cauliflower if I have to patrol that place at night with a shotgun!
The city collected all the debris to take and compost. Some life will come out of the senseless destruction. I met many new people and was in complete awe of the community spirit of generosity. I signed up for the community foot patrol to protect this garden. Nick Fish & Sam Adams announced there would be a special, very exciting announcement at this week's council meeting. It has something to do with gardening. And, this week kicks off NATIONAL COMMUNITY GARDENING WEEK as declared by the US Secretary of Agriculture. Portland loves to grow things. And, you cannot keep down our gardeners!
Miss Jolie Ann
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