Cuckoo For Coconut Water Giveaway

But despite my great sense of adventure, I'm just not a machete-wielding kinda gal. And a machete, or large cleaver, is what it takes to hack through the hard shell of a green coconut and lay claim to the precious water within.
Enter ZICO Pure Coconut Water
ZICO (Zee-ko) is made in Brazil from young (sometimes called green) coconuts, valued for the health benefits of the great tasting water inside. At this stage of its development, the coconut contains virtually no meat and is filled with water that's loaded with electrolytes and more potassium than a banana. If left to mature, this water becomes the meat and milk of a coconut.
I have so many folks write and ask me the difference between the coconut milk they see in their grocery stores and the coconut water I often list as an ingredient in my recipes. So here's the gist of it: Coconut milk is made from ground coconut meat, coconut water, regular water, and usually sugar and preservatives. It is high in calories and fat, and thick and white in consistency. Coconut water is just the pure, translucent water inside a young coconut before it matures. Period.
Besides not having to use a machete to open it, the reason I love ZICO is because they use only pure coconut water. No additives. No preservatives. Some other companies use meat, milk and regular water, and market it as "coconut water."
Another reason I'm a fan of ZICO is because it's produced in a sustainable and responsible way. The company uses only natural fertilizers and pest control practices that are consistent with USDA organic requirements. ZICO is packaged near the coconut farms in Brazil so that the local communities benefit from higher wage jobs. The company also gives 5% of its net profits back to improve health, wellness and education in these communities.
Like a little zip to your coconut water? Try a flavored ZICO in mango or passion fruit. The natural flavor essence comes from the flower of the fruit and is very potent in small doses. This way it adds no coloring, calories, carbs or acidity to the beverage. Nice.

The lovely folks at ZICO have graciously offered to give
So, here's the scoop:
You have until Midnight Sunday (EDT), Oct. 18th, to enter, after which time Mr. Random Number Generator will choose three winners* and I'll announce those fortuitous people here on Monday. *This particular giveaway is open only to folks in the continental US.
All you have to do is:
1. Visit ZICO, browse their site and leave a comment on this post, telling me one thing you learned. Simple.
Extra Entries: If you'd like to increase your chances of winning, please leave a separate comment for each extra entry. (If you do not leave a separate comment for each entry, Mr. Random Number Generator will not count you. He's funny that way.)
2. Follow me on Twitter AND tweet the giveaway with a link to this post (please leave your Twitter ID in the comment)
3. Blog about this giveaway and link back to this post (please leave the link to your blog post in the comment)
Thanks for entering and good luck!
Update 10-19-09: This Giveaway Is Now Closed
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