A Purely Delicious Giveaway

It's delightful, it's delicious, it's de-lovely. ~ Cole Porter

I have it from a very reliable source – the oh-so lovely Rebecca Carlson – that the Spring issue of Purely Delicious is printed, bound and shipping today. And isn't it a beauty!

While the Winter issue arrived during a blizzard, I'm predicting blue skies and sunshine when I retrieve my latest copy from the postman, perhaps as early as this weekend.

Can't wait to dig in to some of Chef Omid's Spring Eats (swoon!):
Sun Blushed Botanical Spring Vegetables
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream with Passion Fruit Pulp & Manuka Honey
Mango & Lavender Mousse
Red Radish & Sweet Pea Salad
Pea, Fennel & Mint Soup

Mila Ilina addresses Emotional Eating

Cherie Soria, the director of Living Light Culinary Arts Institute explores weight loss on the raw food diet in her article Losing It. She shares some tasty treats too!

I wonder what raw food educators and authors Matt & Angela Stokes-Monarch have to say in their regular Q&A feature Ask the Experts. They always have such insightful information to share. Matt's been on a 100% living foods diet for well over 10 years now, and Angela lost 160 pounds by adopting a raw lifestyle.

Explore the Bold Flavors of Bali in seven mouth-watering recipes

And all that's just a taste to whet your appetite!

Hungry for more?

The easiest way to ensure you don't miss a bite, is to subscribe to Purely Delicious. If you mention In The Raw when ordering, you'll receive a free gift with your first issue. Sweet!

If a subscription isn't in your budget at this time, not to worry. This dazzling publication that celebrates living foods and an eco-friendly lifestyle is currently running a spread-the-word promotion: Rebecca and her staff will be searching chat sites, videos, blogs, Twitter and Facebook posts for anyone mentioning Purely Delicious magazine. The promotion expires July 15, 2010 and is open to all countries. Six 1-year subscriptions will be awarded. The more you mention Purely Delicious, the greater your odds of winning.

But wait, there's more!

Rebecca has graciously offered to gift one fortuitous reader of In The Raw with a one-year subscription. You'll have until Midnight EDT, April 30th to get your entries in. I'll call upon Mr. Random Number Generator to pick the lucky one. Check back here on May 1st when I'll announce the winner.

To enter, just answer this question in the Comments below this post:
What was the most delicious meal you've ever eaten?

Extra Entries: If you'd like to increase your chances of winning, please leave a separate comment for each extra entry.
  • Tweet the giveaway with a link to this post (please include your Twitter ID in the comment)
  • Blog about this giveaway and link back to this post. Again, please leave the link to your blog post in the comment.
  • Follow me in the Twittosphere: I'm @rawliving
  • Subscribe to In The Raw in your favorite web-based news reader
  • Become a Facebook Fan of Purely Delicious Magazine
Good luck everyone!

UPDATE 5-1-10: This giveaway is now closed.
Congratulations Raw Candy, you're a winner!

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