Calling All Veg Heads
It's Raw Health Expo time!
Sonoma County, California – about an hour north of San Francisco – will play host to the Second Annual Raw Health Expo on July 31 & August 1.
Here's a chance for you Left Coast foodies to discover the secrets of thriving on raw living cuisine at this mouth-watering event.
· You'll meet top raw food chefs and educators like Cherie Soria
, Nomi Shannon
, and Jennifer Cornbleet
. With over two dozen of today's most talented teachers and chefs, you're sure to learn important health information and time saving tips to support your raw food lifestyle.
· You'll learn how to create easy-to-prepare, delicious and healthy raw foods during 16 live recipe demonstrations.
· You'll learn how to create easy-to-prepare, delicious and healthy raw foods during 16 live recipe demonstrations.
· With a half-dozen talks on topics from hydroponics to converting your front lawn into edible landscaping to growing mineral rich produce, you'll have the knowledge you need to begin saving money by growing your own food.
· You'll get to meet and connect with others who enjoy raw foods. It's so important to feel the support and camaraderie of others who live your lifestyle.
· You'll go home with the knowledge and recipes you need to achieve long-term success with raw foods.
This is one of the most affordable raw food events around. A one-day ticket at the door is $59.99, and a two-day ticket is $79.99. BUT, if you purchase your ticket before July 15 (that's tomorrow, folks!), you'll save 50% off the cost of admission.
Special Bonus: because you're reading my blog, use the discount code MYBLOG to save an additional 20% off.
The very generous John Kohler, whose vision created the Raw Health Expo, has graciously offered one lucky reader of In The Raw an opportunity to win a pair of two-day tickets, which have over a $150.00 retail value!
Please note: This offer is for two tickets only. Any other expenses involved with attending the Raw Health Expo will be the responsibility of the ticket holder. This giveaway is open to anyone who'd like to attend the expo.
Mandatory Entry: Tell me who your favorite raw food chef or educator is.
You have until Midnight EDT, July 18th to get your entries in. I'll then call on Mr. Random Number Generator to pick a winner.
Good Luck!
Please note: This offer is for two tickets only. Any other expenses involved with attending the Raw Health Expo will be the responsibility of the ticket holder. This giveaway is open to anyone who'd like to attend the expo.
Mandatory Entry: Tell me who your favorite raw food chef or educator is.
You have until Midnight EDT, July 18th to get your entries in. I'll then call on Mr. Random Number Generator to pick a winner.
Good Luck!
UPDATE 7-19-10: This Giveaway is Closed.
Congratulations, Felicity!
You'll be attending the Raw Health Expo the weekend of July 31.
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