Scrambled Eggs with Ramps & Mushrooms

Known in this household as sc"ramp"led eggs. Yeah, I just can't help myself sometimes. This was another nice, simple dish to make with those deelicious ramps. You can leave out the mushrooms if you like, but I can't see why you would like. People can be strange though, I know.

2 or 3 servings
15 minutes prep time

Scrambled Eggs with Ramps and Mushrooms
1 bunch (16 to 18) ramps or wild leeks
6 to 8 button mushrooms (optional)
6 large eggs
2 tablespoons water
salt & pepper to taste
1 tablespoon unsalted butter

Wash the ramps, and cut the thick stems from the dark green leaves. Chop the stems fairly finely. Clean and slice the mushrooms.

Beat the eggs with the water and salt and pepper to taste. Heat the butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat, and sauté the mushrooms until they begin to soften and brown. Add the chopped ramp stems and continue sautéing until the mushrooms are nicely browned and the ramps are softened and lightly browned. While these cook, coarsely chop the greens from the ramps - just lay them in their original bunch on the board, and cut them across in inch-long pieces.

Add the ramp greens to the pan and sauté until they soften and turn limp. Turn down the heat to medium and add the eggs. Cook, stirring regularly and gently, until the eggs are mostly set, or otherwise done to your liking. Serve at once.

Last year at this time I made Pasta Salad with Marinated Vegetables and Maple Custard.

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