Chick Pea, Tomato & Cabbage Soup

I've been making this very simple but flavourful and healthy soup quite a bit this fall. If you find it plain, you could certainly add various herbs such as thyme, basil, oregano, savory or sage to it but I actually really like the simplicity of the flavours.

6 to 8 servings
1 hour prep time - not including soaking and cooking the chick peas

Chick Pea Tomato and Cabbage Soup
Cook the Chick Peas:
2 cups (450 grams, 1 pound) dry chick peas
4 cups diced tomatoes, with their juice
2 or 3 bay leaves

Rinse and pick over the chick peas, and put them in a large soup pot with water to generously cover them. Bring them to a boil, then turn off the pot and let them soak overnight.

The next morning, bring them back to a boil, and simmer them until tender; about 1 to 2 hours.

When they are tender, add the tomatoes with all their juice, and the bay leaves.

Prepare the Vegetables:
2 stalks of celery
1 large leek
1 large carrot (optional)
2 tablespoons sunflower seed oil

4 to 5 cups finely chopped green cabbage
4 cups water or chicken stock
salt & pepper

Rinse the celery and leek. Trim them and chop them finely. Peel and grate the carrot, if using. Sauté the vegetables slowly in the oil until they are fairly soft and reduced in volume by about a half. Add them to the chick peas.

Meanwhile, chop the cabbage and put it in a separate pot with water or chicken stock to cover. Bring to a boil and boil steadily for about 10 minutes, until fairly tender. Add the cabbage and cooking water/stock to the soup. Check for salt, and add salt and pepper to taste. Simmer the soup for about 20 minutes to amalgamate the flavours.

It can be served at once, or it keeps and re-heats well for several days. If it gets too thick, add a bit more water.

Last year at this time it was Kitchen Sink Soup - another favourite winter soup.

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