Raised Bed Gardening
Here are a few thing that I think a grow box or raised bed will give you that you cannot get on the ground:
- Deeper, looser soil that doesn't get packed down with equipment or walking on
- distinct growing space, and walking paths
- higher up, therefore gets less weeds blown in and growing than on the ground
- you can add more organic matter, and good soil amendments to it to make the soil very water retentive, and well draining.
- Soil is loose, therefore easy to dig, and the weeds come right out, no pulling on them.
- Easy to weed and harvest the vegetables. I don't kneel anymore- just sit on the side of the grow box and pull the few weeds that pop up, or harvest the tomatoes, and other veggies by sitting on the side of the box. My 88 year old grand mother loves to come and weed my garden. She just sits on the side of the box and pulls the weeds. Its easy enough for an unstable elderly lady to work in.
- Looks pleasing with distinct boxes, and you can make the paths look nice with wood chips, ground cover, or pavers in between the boxes.
- Easy to install a permanent automatic watering system. Before you build the boxes, dig trenches, and run sprinkler pipe to all the spots where you will put boxes, then run the pipe straight up and cap it. Then when the boxes are in place, and the garden is ready, then just cut the pipe, and run the drip hose through the box to all of your veggies. It takes a little bit of work at first, but then once it in, very low maintenance, just check them to see if they are getting enough water, and fertilizer, weed here and there, and harvest your fruit and vegetables!
Happy Gardening!
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