Series of Fortunate Events

In case you are wondering... yes, I completed the Eight is Great challenge, and I do plan to post about it sometime.  In the meantime, perhaps you might be interested in Transition OKC's latest Series of Fortunate Events?  Free Beat the Heat workshop, film screening of Two Angry Moms, and Better Block OKC!
Beat the Heat logo
Beat the Heat in Your Home and Garden
Grow food, save water, conserve energy, build community

 Looking forward to the possibility of another 63 days of 100+ heat ... like last summer? If not, join us at this collaborative workshop with strategies, tips and idea-sharing on how to stay cool this summer in your garden and home.  
Where:  Earth 2 Urban Local Foods Market
1235 SW 2nd Street, OKC
  • Sat., May 5, 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 
  • Community potluck at 11:30 a.m.
  • Workshop at 12:15 p.m.
Cost: Free. Donations not required, however we will pass the hat for donations to cover our costs, and for every donation of $5 or more, we'll provide a receipt for your tax records. 
RSVP here - space is limited. 

Why are these two moms so angry?
It's lunchtime ... do you know what your kids are eating at school? How
would you feel if you found out it was mostly processed foods, fries,
chips, sodas and pizzas?  

Come see "Two Angry Moms," a documentary tracing the efforts of 
moms around the country working to make sure their kids, and all kids, 
have access to the real, healthy foods they need to grow, learn and 
succeed. PLUS, find out the situation in Oklahoma City schools! 

Sponsored by Transition OKC, EatWise OKC and IAO.
Free film screening
What: "Two Angry Moms" film screening
Where:  IAO Gallery,
             706 W Sheridan Avenue, OKC
When: Sat. May 12 
Potluck - 6 p.m. 
Screening - 6:45 p.m. 
OKC school update - 8:15 p.m.

Better Block OKC 
Planting Garden

Better Block OKC is a community revitalization 
project that demonstrates how to improve an 
area through temporary infrastructure, culture, 
pop-up businesses, landscaping, beautification 
& street life. Presented by ULI Oklahoma.

Transition OKC is creating and installing a temporary 
pop-up community garden for Better Block OKC.

When: May 18 & 19 
Where: NW 7th & Hudson, OKC 
Cost: Free!
Transition OKC: Helping teens get plants off drugs!

Thanks to supporters like you, Transition OKC raised $2,410 for tools, equipment and compost bins for the Closer to Earth youth community gardens, where teens learn more than organic gardening - they learn teamwork, leadership, mentoring and environmental advocacy. Thank you Oklahoma City!

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