Yes and No.....

One of my most favorite sites to go on is this one: Oneand2

When you go to the site....look at the most recent article.

It's all about your Yes.

This year has been about yes's for me.

  • Yes to my children. That I will swing with them, sit and talk with them, read their imaginative reports, help edit their blogs, and hold them with intent. 

  • Yes to my husband. Yes to doing all the tasks he asks of me, (before he gets home), yes to investing in our children over house, friends, business. Yes to letting him cook! (No problems there!) Yes to dreaming with him again.

  • Yes to more time with God. Yes to learning what it means to wrestle in prayer.

  • Yes to our future. Yes to being alive. Yes to success. Yes to being more and learning more. Yes to personal development. Yes to a BIGGER dream. 
But to say yes to these things I had to say no to some others. 

  • No to always having a spotless house.
  • No to always having a clean school room.
  • No to the garden without weeds.
  • No to sleeping later than I want to.
  • No to anything that deters me from my yes.
The potential to move forward is in our hands. The potential to change our lives is in our hands. The buck stops with us. The responsibility lies with us to change our own world. If you can't change your current circumstances you can at least change your response to them, and you'd be surprised how fast your circumstances will change. 

What are you saying yes to?

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