Bread For The Journey

I have always loved Spring. 
It is a season of fresh life and promises kept!  
I remember, even as a child, I watched for the trilliums in the forest in our back acres, 
that bloomed as one of the first signs of spring. 
The crocuses in my garden ignore traces of snow to give evidence that spring is coming! 
From my study window I watch the changing of the seasons.
With a smile of relief I see my wild bunny has survived the winter. 
I see my lilac tree that looked so dead for months, 
bursting forth its leaves and fragrant blossoms. 

Millennia ago God promised that season would follow season , 
a promise we find in Gen. 8:27 
"While the earth remains, 
Seedtime and harvest, 
and cold and heat, 
and winter and summer, 
and day and night 
shall not cease!"  

Spring to me is evidence of the goodness of God's promises. 
No matter how 'dead' the winters of our life seasons are, 
spring will come 
and bring life where we saw only death, 
bring fragrance and colour 
where we felt only the oppression of sorrow and darkness,
and faced  questions that had no answers.  
No matter how hopeless we feel,
no matter how long the winter endures, 
spring will come. 
God promised. 

Though today you may cry with the Psalmist, 
"Has His mercy ceased forever? Has His promise failed forevermore?" 
may you also shout with him the answer ...
"NO, Spring is coming!"
"You are the God who does wonders! You have declared your strength among the peoples ,
You have with Your arm redeemed Your people. You led your people like a flock."
(Psalm 77:8,14,15,20)

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