More Celebrations Events...

It was our Celebrations Book Launch weekend...
and Friday night was just the beginning.

Our hearts our full...
we have much to celebrate and be thankful for!

Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
Psalm 95:2

On Saturday we met at the lovely Winks gift shop...
where they make everything beautiful.

Winks has been a wonderful supporter of Mennonite Girls Can Cook from the start...
and hosted us for a book signing in their lovely courtyard.
How special to have violin music out in the garden...
a surprise gift for us all by Anneliese's daughter.

We signed books for hours...
and chatted with old friends and new friends.

When we were done at Winks...
we weren't really done.

We carried on to our next venue...
the beautiful Sweet Dreams B and B
where we were being hosted for dinner.

But there would be no dinner until all the boxes of books were signed.

By the end...
our signatures were barely recognizable! 

While we were hard at work...
the guys sat outside and visited.
And waited.
It seems they are used to waiting for their meal...
while the photographs are being taken for the blog or the cookbook.
They are our most supportive backstage team...
and we are very appreciative of them!

One more thing before dinner...

...a Celebrations book launch group shot.
For the record!

We sang Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow...
and enjoyed an amazing meal together with our Menno Media friends.
It was a real celebration event!

Sunday dawned bright and clear...
and very warm.
We spent the morning together in worship...
something we have not had the opportunity to do before.

For lunch we made our way to Lepp Farm Market...
where Charlotte Lepp was busy preparing tables especially for us.
We enjoyed a fabulous breakfast buffet...
before our scheduled book signing there. 
Once again it so nice to meet all the folk who came out to purchase books...
or just to have their copies signed.

We so appreciate the support of our families.
From our grandchildren to our father's...
they came to show their support.
Marg's father-in-law is 101 and came to have us sign his book.
How special is that?
Bev's dad is 90.
(Both are pictured with us above...upper left.) 

There are many stories to share that can't be told here today...
but you might want to check out some of our personal blogs in the next few days.
We laughed...
we cried...
we prayed...
we sang...
we celebrated.

And at the end of our time together...
we gathered at Lovella and Terry's for faspa (a traditional light Sunday afternoon meal).

and delicious.

It was a great weekend from start to finish...
and we are so thankful to all of you...
those who have supported us in so many different ways.
Thank-you to those who have already purchased the new Celebrations cookbook...
and are helping us raise funds to provide clean drinking water for children in Africa.
Let our hearts overflow with thankfulness . . .
Colossians 2:7

* * * * *
Celebrations Cookbook Give-away Winners:
Two of you (our blog readers) who left comments last week have won a copy of the cookbook...
and will be receiving it in the mailbox one day soon.
Thank-you to all who participated!

The winners are ~
Friday / May 3 Tamara Klassen who says 'I share this website on Facebook and with Everyone!!! I talk to. I check out your recipes every morning and have tried many of them. They are fabulous! I am so excited that you have another book out and I can't wait to try those recipes too! Have fun with your book signings and keep writing those amazing posts!!! '
Saturday / May 4: Grannie Annie who is 'from Grand Lake of the Cherokees in Oklahoma. I am an avid supporter of your blog. I plan to share this on Facebook and the sidebar of my blog. It would be a thrill to win one of your cookbooks.'
Please leave  your mailing address on the contact page of this blog...
and we will get your cookbook in the mail.
* * * * *

And one more thing.
Lovella and Anneliese are leaving early this morning for Toronto.
A cookbook tour!

They will be on CTV's Canada AM tomorrow (Tuesday) morning...
5:45 PST or 8:45 EST.
Check your local listings...
and watch them live or set your recorders.

Look for a recipe on the blog...
as usual!

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