Need a last minute 4th of July idea? Try SOAP BOATS!

Need a last minute 4th of July idea?  Try SOAP BOATS!

These simple little boats were the kickoff to our Mommy Camp "Boat Week" and they can be the perfect kickoff for your 4th of July celebrations!  The supplies are simple and cheap, the projects is super easy & idiot proof!

You will need:       1. Ivory Soap (the soap that FLOATS!)      AND       2.  Little flags

I picked up my flags from, but you kind find them just about anywhere right now while you are out getting watermelon and burger buns for your cookouts tomorrow.  Can't find any?  Toothpicks with colored tape work too!

Simply let your kids loose with the toothpicks and tell them to gently push them into the soap.  The soap is super soft, so they will be able to easily manage.  Just limit them to 10-12 flags total or the soap might crumble into a million pieces (which you can then use in your Homemade Laundry Detergent, so no big loss, but you might have kiddo tears at the table).

Once the bars of soap are all "flaggified", get them sailing!  (Water tables, kiddie pools and bathtubs all work great! )

Did you miss the first two weeks of Mommy Camp?

For more summer mommy camp ideas, click below and come back next week for more BOAT WEEK!

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