I have to admit that although I LOVE bacon (is there a soul on this earth who doesn't adore it?), I really don't like to cook it. It recent years I have shifted to mainly microwave bacon due to the mess it makes. I also like mine really crispy and it seems easier to attain that when I buy pre-cooked bacon and heat it in the microwave.
My hubby, on the other hand, doesn't like microwave bacon and won't eat it. So, when he wants bacon, it's his job to cook it. He often makes it on the grill and that really does make it crispy, just like I like it.

Anyway, on a trip to Sam's Club recently, he grabbed a three pound package of thick sliced bacon. When he was getting ready to make it for some BLTs, I told him I had seen several people mention on Facebook that they make it in the oven. So, he figured it was worth a try.

I used some disposable foil pans I had (if you want to keep mess to a minimum, line the pan with aluminum foil.) Lay out bacon in pan without overlapping. Each long pan held a pound of bacon. On one pound, we tried out sprinkling with some brown sugar and drizzling with maple syrup, which gives a delicious couple of layers of flavor.
Bacon went into the oven for a little over a half hour at 350 degrees. If you don't like yours crisp, check it after 20 minutes. If you like it fully crisp, you'll probably go a bit beyond 30 minutes. I left one pan in for 40 minutes to get it the way I liked it.
When it was all done, hubby said he wasn't that impressed. It ended up creating three dirty pans and he said he liked it better making it in a skillet. I thought it tasted about as good as the skillet or grill method.
It did make for some awesome BLTs!
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