Girl Scout cookie time

In 4th grade I became a girl scout. There was never much spare money for extra curricular activities in my family, but I begged and begged to be in the scouts and finally got my parents to agree to sign me up. I took cookie sales very seriously becoming the top seller in the south suburbs that year, selling about 500 boxes.

The boxes, the serving size and the price have changed over the years. They were $1.50 a box when I was selling them and there were more in a box. There are a lot of new varieties now, but some are the same ones I sold in the early 1980's - Samoas, Trefoils, Thin Mints, Do-Si-Do's and my favorite, the Tagalongs, which have a layer of peanut butter over a crisp little cookie that is covered in chocolate. 

Remembering my days of going door to door in my neighborhood to try and sell cookies, I am always a sucker for these treats and always buy a box when asked. My first shipment of 3 boxes was gone by the next day (that's expected with five boys in the house) and I got the 2nd order last week. One box was gone quickly and the other two are hidden. I have one order yet to come, which is from my nieces. That's a big order of 10 boxes.

What's your favorite girl scout cookie?

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