Soup of the Day... German Tomato Soup

The more chefs, the better the soup. ~~Swedish Proverb

Today's recipe... Remember... Disclaimer: Some folks don't always follow updated USDA canning methods, they may live in another country where the standards are not the same, they may use heirloom methods passed down through the generations, they may choose other canning methods not recommended. Use this recipe at your own discretion, or adapt it to your own method. I am sharing these recipes EXACTLY as they were sent to me and take NO responsibility for them.

German Tomato Soup
(Original Recipe received)

2 lb plum tomatoes

1 medium chopped onion

1 stalk of chopped celery

2 cups chicken or vegetable broth

1 tbsp tomato paste

1 tbsp fresh basil

1 tsp pepper

1 tsp salt

1 clove of chopped garlic

1 tsp thyme 1 tsp sugar


Dip tomatoes in hot water and peel

Cut tomatoes into pieces and cook in the broth for 10 minutes Add all other ingredients to the tomatoes and broth

Cook 30 minutes uncovered so your house will smell like tomato soup

Get a strainer and pot and strain mixture into pot –let some seeds go through – good for vitamins (DO NOT THROW AWAY THE VEGETABLES IN THE STRAINER!)

Put the stuff in the strainer back into the pot and blend well.

After you’ve blended the tomatoes in the pot (use one of those hand held blenders) put the strained tomato juice back into the pot.

Cook awhile longer and taste. Cook uncovered if you want it thicker. Add basil, salt, and sugar to taste. Red or chili peppers will give it a little kick. Best served hot with a little sour cream “dollop” on top.

Can be doubled, tripled.

(How I make for canning)

Everything X 18

64c = 16qts chopped tomatoes

9c chopped onion

18 stalks of celery, chopped

36c chicken or veggie broth

1 cup tomato paste

1 c fresh basil (or 1/3c dried)

¼­ 1/3 c pepper

¼ ­ 1/3 c salt

18 cloves garlic, chopped

¼ ­ 1/3 c thyme (or 2Tbsp dried)

¼ ­ 1/3 c sugar

Wash and core tomatoes. Peel and chop onions. Wash, trim and chunk celery. Peel garlic. Add all to a big stock pot and add little of the stock to get it going. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until all veggies are soft. Run through a food mill and return to pot. Add remaining stock and rest of ingredients except paste. (If using fresh herbs add just before canning) Simmer to almost desired consistency, add paste (and fresh herbs, if using). Taste and adjust seasonings to suit your taste.

PC pints for 20 minutes or quarts for 25 minutes.

Tomorrow's Soup of the Day... Golden Mushroom Soup

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