We Be Jammin'... Tomato Mango Jam

Tomato Mango Jam
Found on foodinjars

I peeled 2 pounds of tomatoes using the score and blanch method and dropped them into the high-sided skillet that is one of my favorite small batch pans. 

I added 1 cup of chopped ripe mango (it was 1-1/2 champagne mangos),

one well-chopped small, spicy red chili pepper and broke everything up with a pastry blender (a potato masher does the same job nicely).

I added 3/4 cup sugar (it’s a bit more than the original recipe called for, but after a taste, I determined that it needed a bit more sweetness), 

3 tablespoons lemon juice, 

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (not included in the recipe, but I wanted it to have a bit more pucker), 

1/2 teaspoon salt, and 

1/2 teaspoon Aleppo pepper (those last two are also my additions). 

And then I cooked, stirring regularly, for about 25 minutes, until it was quite thick and spreadable. The end product is sweet, tangy and slightly spicy. I am really pleased with it!

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