Bread for the Journey

In our Sunday School class at church we are studying the book of James. One verse that stands out is James 1:2 'Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.'
Our son was diagnosed at the age of 7 months with tuberous sclerosis and autism. He does not speak and has seizures. We asked ourselves this question many times..'would we be able to consider it pure joy to face the trials that were to become our way of life?' We knew that it would not be in our own strength but in giving it all to God..He is able. And as Phil. 3:12&13 states 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'. I repeated that verse many a time and held on to that promise.
Yes the journey has sometimes been difficult (our son is now 34 yrs old) but we can say with a joyful heart that we love our son just the way he is, we wouldn't change a thing! He keeps us smiling at his unique sense of humor:) God entrusted us with a very special blessing!
I don't know where I found the's a balm to my soul and it soothes my heart every time I read it:

"I asked God to make my handicapped child whole
God said No, his spirit is whole and his body is only temporary."

The photo above is fitting because our son loves to pick these 'thistle puffs' and flutter them in the wind.

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