Bread for the Journey

In the past week or two I've been going through boxes in our crawl space.
We've lived in the same house for almost 36 years and things have accumulated down there.
It was time to review, reduce and recycle.

As I was rooting through the boxes, I came across a number of Bibles:
our first Bibles, presented to us by our parents when we were still very young,
his parents' family Bible, his mom's Living Bible,
a German Bible published in the early 1900's plus several more.
Seeing all these Bibles reminded me of the importance of this Book in my walk with God.

The next morning in Church, the speaker told a story that challenged me.

A missionary shared Jesus with a man who was a Shaman in his home village in Laos.
The Shaman prayed to receive Christ but the missionary had to leave that same day.
So he asked the missionary - "What do I do now?"
The missionary asked him if he could read. Hearing a "yes", he gave him a Bible.
"Start reading in John", he said, "and do it."
He did, and 2 years later when the missionary met this man again,
he had led 800 people in his village to Christ.

That is the Christian walk in a nutshell:
Pick up God's Word.
Read it and Do it!

Do not merely listen to the Word... Do what it says.
James 1:22

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