Bread for the Journey

Last Saturday morning I rushed around . ..
watching the clock. . .
timing out what had to be finished.

I was looking for the details to be perfect. .
special . . .
 it mattered to me.

I had invited my beloved's mom... aunts  and his cousin over for lunch.
They had requested that we get together so that I could sign a few books for them.
Their suggestion was a local restaurant.
I had agreed and then felt that a visit at home would be more conducive to conversation and relaxation.

OH. .the weekend seemed so busy already.
Did it matter if we met in a restaurant?
It did.

What I realized is that the rushing around to make a home special is not wrong when it is a gift of honoring guests.  There are lots of moments where I can relax and reflect on what the Saviour coming to earth as a baby means to me. . .
but it is okay to have times of rushing around too in preparations.
I silently thanked the Lord for the opportunity to have these special ladies in our home.  I felt they  deserved to feel that an effort had been made on their behalf.
Instead of feeling stressed and frustrated . .
I felt peaceful . .  knowing that it mattered.  My motives were honest and God was okay with my rushing and hurrying.

They came.
We shared a simple meal together.
We looked at photos together.
We talked about family and those we missed.

As they left . ..
I knew that it had mattered and already looked forward to having them over again.
What good is a warm and comfortable bungalow if I don't open our door? 
My desire was not to impress . ..
but rather to bless.
In the rush of it all . .
God prepared my heart.

I was reading in 2 Corinthians 9 this week and the last four verses struck me in a new way.
I leave you with the last verse.
"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift."
2 Corinthians 9:15 NIV

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