Bread For The Journey

But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, 
so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.
 Hebrews 3:13 NIV 

I have so enjoyed watching my grands run races or participate in sporting events these past few years.  As the long distance runners came by our place, I went out to cheer...and noticed our son running alongside his girls.  What an encouragement for them to have someone spurring them them words of hope and cheer.  The race became somewhat easier...the finish line came into focus...and they just knew they could do it!

We are called to be 'encouragers' give hope to others along the journey of life.  We have a wonderful example of one who did that well in the New Testament...the apostle Paul.  He knew that the early Christians needed to be urged on to 'fight the good fight of faith' in 1Timothy 6:12. Things haven't changed a whole lot since those days.  Believers still need to hear words of encouragement.  Are we handing them out?

We get so wrapped up in our daily living that we tend to forget about others that may be in need of a little message of hope.  Do those in your household...those closest to you...hear words of encouragement from you?  What about your you spur them on...cheer them up and  make them smile?  Those around us need to know that we care about them. They will be capable of great things just knowing they have cheerleaders!

Dear Heavenly Father...Teach us to be encouragers. Help us to give hope to those who have lost sight of the finish line...and to run alongside of those who feel they can't go on.  May our words be ones of refreshment and cheer.  Give courage and strength to those who are needing it today.  Amen.

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