Q is for Quilts
I would guess my mom made this quilt in the early 1990s. This is called a "bear claw" design. (I can't believe I just recalled the name of this quilt design. Wow...I'm an uber nerd...or I just have a mom that loves to quilt.) She hand-quilted this (as opposed to machine-quilted or tied, which you will see examples of as well).
My mom made this quilt on the right for me about 20 years ago. I thought this was a windmill pattern, but I'm not sure if that's correct. This is not quilted but rather tied-off.
I also want to show-off a quilt my great-grandmother made me about 20 years ago. She was in her 80s at the time. She was a spry, joyful woman who is the inspiration to many things my mother taught me. This is a log cabin design made of scrap material.
Finally, here is a quilt I'm in the process of making: a "chevron" (or zig-zag) baby blanket. I plan to machine quilt this one.
Last year I provided a tutorial on how to made modern-striped, twin size quilt for those of you interested in delving into the world of quilt-making!
Check out more posts on my 2014 A to Z Challenge!
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