
Andie's garden
Welcome to my blog! This blog has been on my mind for a long time, but I hesitated to start. I was waiting because I wanted to learn more about blogging. I was waiting until I learned to be a better photographer, a better writer with a cleaner backyard. Since those things aren't going to spontaneously happen anytime soon, I finally decided to just start. After all, I'm only going to learn more about blogging, photography and writing if I begin. So here we go...

This picture of my backyard garden tells the story of a life in transition. Notice the basketball hoop turned backwards? Strange place for a hoop, right? A friend asked, "Won't our basketball game compromise the veggies?" He has a point. Well, it once stood next to our above ground pool, poised and ready for children to play while swimming. The pool was removed which made room for our garden, and now the hoop holds a wind chime.

You see, the pool was no longer used because my children have grown into young adults, ready to fly on their own. To say I am proud of them is just the beginning. They are my finest joy. This quote pretty much sums it up. It's one of my favorites:

"Making the decision to have a child - it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
-Elizabeth Stone


And now our children are doing what we raised them to do - fly. And it astounds me to see them as they start their professional careers and pull away. Such confidence and competence they possess. It fills my heart to know they are ready and thriving.

For me, it means transitioning into a new phase of life which means starting new projects to keep busy. And so began my organic vegetable garden.

Nothing can prepare a person for parenthood, or for letting go, but I am optimistic about what lies ahead. My intention is to branch out and try new things, find inspiration, be inspiring.  

So now I'm a blogger?? I guess so.

Hopefully this blog will be a creative outlet and an incentive for me to take some photography and computer classes. Several friends are interested in starting gardens so I see this blog as place for me to share my gardening ideas. Maybe they will be inspired. Certainly I am no Master Gardener. I am a novice who is not afraid to jump in and figure it out.   

I have always been a person who needs a project. Without a project I am lost. It runs in the family. Ask my brother, he is always making something. Tents, backpacks, you name it. He should write his own how-to blog. We got it from our parents, the true do-it-yourself masters. Too bad blogs weren't around when they were using power tools. On second thought, maybe it's a good thing. My dad's language can be colorful. Maybe my brother should finish that book of infamous Dad quotes before he starts his blog. And maybe I can find someone to move that basketball hoop.  

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