My Heart is Filled with Sunshine

My daughter came to visit me in the garden yesterday. If not in person, at least she appeared in my heart. Funny how something as simple as a child's Valentine can fill a mom's heart to the point of bursting. 

Missing her is a constant reminder of how lucky I am to have the special bond I'd always dreamed of having with a daughter. We are kindred souls. She is my Sunshine, a nickname that describes her perfectly. She's living in another city, creating a fabulous life and career near the beach, and I miss her. 

My garden is one way I am coping with my kids growing up. I find it's best to keep busy.

I keep a stack of envelopes handy in the garden to store seeds I harvest. 
These are old envelopes which were in a desk drawer for years before making their way to the garden. Yesterday when I was collecting lettuce seeds I came across a sealed envelope in the stack. Holding it up to the light I could see it held a heart. 

It turns out there were a few sealed envelopes which I couldn't wait to tear open. 


And that's when my heart suddenly overflowed with love for that little girly girl/tomboy who made these Valentines. Memories came flooding back of her with her bright smile, baseball cap turned backward, hair hanging loose because she had no desire for hair clips of any kind. 

Creative, loving, industrious, cool, a true friend, and there she is, represented in a child's handmade Valentines.

What a treat it was to find these, they made my day. I'll keep them in my garden box.

They will bring Sunshine to my garden even on a cloudy day, at least in my heart.

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